Pennsylvania Railroad style FIBER lit Signals
Introducing a first of its kind FOUR port Fiber Optic Lighting for block signals. These are available now in four scales: N, HO, S and O scale. These types of signals have seven lights. You use our new 2-port Fiber Optic pons to connect the fibers. This is much easier than soldering 14 of those little LED micro wires.
Everything fits together in just a few minutes. Our Four Port Signal controller allows the special control need for lighting the center light in concert with the Vertical and Diagonal positions but not the Red Horizontal. We also use our special Fiber Lens technique to create a high quality bulb at the end of the fiber. These can easily be replaced if damaged.
There are Four version of this type of Signal:
- Seven Light – Two Reds horizontal with Center light OFF, Diagonal and Vertical with three warm white lights
- Seven Light – All warm white lights – for B&O the center light can be switched on and off.
- Six light – All warm white, no center light (Use the 3 port Fiber Controller)
- Six Light – two each Red, Green and Yellow (Use the 3 port Fiber Controller)
All are the same price.
Crossing Signals In-a-Box
Our Crossing Signals In-a-Box is the easiest and fastest way to put a system together without guessing what all the parts should be. We connect it up for you so you just have to plug in power to see how it works and how it should be connected. Then, once yo have that understood you transfer the components to your layout.
The Package Includes:
- Model Train Technology Signaling and Detection Startup kit (without Signal)
- One extra Precision Detector so that you have East/West Coverage.
- Two Crossing signals (Third party product we sell at cost)
Let us know what scale you are using and whether you have one track or two. We’ll preset the sensor for you. We mimic the track layout on the top of the box for you to copy.
An add on sound module with crossing bell will be available September 15, 2021.
Signaling Starter Kit
The Precision Sensor and Block Signal Starter Kit comes with:
- One (1) Precision Detectors
- One (1) Signal Controller (LED) OR One (1) Signal Controller (Fiber)
- One (1) Power Module (includes Power Supply)
A. With One (1) Block Signal (LED or FIBER). $120.00. (S & O Scale $135.00)
B. WITHOUT Block Signal. $99.00 (S & O Scale $110.00)
- If you order a FIBER Signal Controller, the fiber pins for the scale you choose are included.
- As of June 20, 2021 the Signal Controller is polarity switchable.
Searchlight Signal now available (N and HO Scale in FIBER)
Introducing the single Light Searchlight style Block Signal and matching Signal Controller. The controller has two output ports that show Red, Green and Yellow. (one Signal comes with the pack but you can order a second Signal.
Includes a short length of black shrink tube to block the light of the fiber under the layout.

Block Signals, Signal Controller and Precision Detection
On this page you will find our latest products and descriptions. To purchase any of the products, please click the link to the item in the store. Or you can click this link below to go to the top page in the store.
Here is a list of Signal Controllers, Detection and Block Signals that we offer:
We offer three types of Signal Controllers:
- Three Port LED
- Three Port Fiber Lighting
- Four Port Fiber Lighting
All Signal Controllers can be triggered by any one of three methods: Our Precision Detector, any DCC Turnout signal and manually via pushbutton
The LED Signal Controller includes built in Resistors. You don’t have to add but you can keep the ones you have.

The Precision Detector from Model Train Technology is the first type to be impervious to all types of room (ambient) lighting conditions. You can place it any where in any kind of lighting condition. It never needs adjustment or tuning. The Precision Detector also has a 1mm level of precision. You can set it to detect only the train on a specific track and not the one farther or near one.
The Precision Detector works with Z, N, HO and O/S. A G Scale version will be available late summer 2021(Contact us). A specialized mounting system for above the lost installation is available for N Scale. (see the video)
All Signal Controllers can be triggered by any one of three methods: Our Precision Detector, any DCC Turnout signal and manually via pushbutton
The LED Signal Controller includes built in Resistors. You don’t have to add but you can keep the ones you have.

Watch this video to learn how Turnout INTERLOCKING works:
POWER MODULE (includes power supply)
The power module ties everything together and provides a reliable and stable source of power to all your interconnect devices and block signals. When you power the sensors, signal controller and block signals to the same source of power, you know it will all work
We recommend the 12VDC version for most applications.
The Precision Detectors and Signal Controllers can run on EITHER 5VDC or 12VDC without modification. Just plug them in and they will work.

Please call or email us with any questions you may have.